Trusting Yourself

“As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.” How can this quote by Goethe be interpreted? Do people go through life without trusting themselves?


Like all of personal development, this is such a nuanced topic since there are so many areas of self-trust. As a life coach, my focus is on relationships, with the one with yourself being the most important.


Here is my take on self-trust as it pertains to trusting people. How you view others and the extent to which you trust them will ultimately come down to how trustworthy you are because we see in others, the reflection of ourselves.


People who don’t trust others, aren’t generally trustworthy themselves and that is why their frame of reference lacks trust. These are the same people who often lack the awareness to know this about themselves. The exception to this is people who have been betrayed by those they have trusted, making it difficult for them to trust people again once trust is broken


Assessing how trustworthy someone is, is essential to building long lasting relationships that make us feel safe and secure.


The ONLY way you can do that is by learning how to trust yourself fully and completely, and the awareness and opportunity to do so often comes only after a betrayal by someone you trusted.


Betrayals from people you are close to and trusted implicitly are very painful because they shake the foundation of your belief system. It is hard to trust again but we must if we want to be happy. There is a process to healing from betrayal trauma before you can get there and there is work to be done to heal. However, it is work worth doing because in the words of Goethe,


As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live,’’ or in this case, live again!


If you have experienced betrayal in your life that you want to move past and learn how to trust yourself so that you can find love and happiness again, book a FREE Clarity Session with Sujata to get started. Click the link below to schedule your appointment.