
You are divorced. Now that the chips have fallen, it is time to piece your new life together.

Some things might have turned out like you expected and others did not. You find that there is much to wrap your head around, much to process and much to do.

Are you feeling relieved that you are finally divorced but don’t know what your next steps should be?

Are you feeling angry, resentful, bitter and unforgiving?

Are you feeling stuck in the past and unable to let go of what happened to you?

Do you want to move forward but don’t know how to? Do you want to discover who you really are now that you are not playing the role of wife?

Do you want to take charge of your life and make your future the best that it can be?

In this post-divorce stage, you are challenged by not knowing who you are and what you want. The life you had wanted and put a lot of energy into creating is no longer there for you. You might be feeling direction-less and don’t know where to turn for answers.

Would you like to learn:

  • Which decisions to avoid so that you don’t go from the frying pan into the fire?
  • Lessons from your past so that you create a better future for yourself?
  • How to avoid patterns of behavior that didn’t serve you well?
  • How to create better boundaries in your relationships?
  • How to let go of the life you had to discover the life you want to have?
“It is never too late to be what you might have been.” ~ George Elliott

Even though it might not be evident to you when you are first divorced and grappling with all the harsh realities of life, divorce gives you a second chance in life.

Is it time for you to:


  • Feel in charge of your life and create a future by design rather than by default.
  • Attract the right people into your life so that you have rich, fulfilling relationships.
  • Connect intimately with yourself – your mind, your body and your spirit.
  • Find more focus, purpose and passion in your life.
  • Explore life in a way you didn’t before.

Schedule a complimentary Strategy Session.

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FREE Quiz to assess the difficulty in your divorce so that you can prepare for it